Sunday, December 06, 2009



you can actually see the foetus, they'll crush it and it's called ling zhi.
it's good for your body, supposingly.

oh i bought this ring for 750NT, from the factory
'Star Sapphire'
I love it^^


These are at the farm house up on the mountains, beautiful scenery i tell ya.

Theme park

Nice right! i took it okay...

Doremon World

Look carefully at the statue, it's tits and it was everywhere in the restuarant!
and the building is the world famous 'Taipei 101'


Airport, going to hongkong

Ocean Park
The fish is real! cute right! so animated, hahahas...
The panda super cute also! it shitted right infront of us -.-





Angeline's brother Titus!
She still has another brother named Nicholas(:

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